Our objective is to improve the capacities of all people involved in the value creation of local milk in Mali. It is important to us that people who benefit from our projects show high self-motivation and can actively use the new skills.
Completed Projects
Production and Storage of Feed for the Dry Season
We trained 36 farmers how to produce and store hay in 2009. The farmers learnt which type of grass is most nutritious for cows in a first part of the training. We were glad that a specialist of the national project for development of livestock breeding ac-companied us. In the second part of the training the farmers learnt how the cut grass and how it has to be stored. The training program helped farmers to produce more feed for the dry season and led to higher milk production during this time.

Founding of Cooperatives
The association Pro Milk Mali supported farmers in the region of Siby to found 5 cooperatives in 2012. The objective of these cooperatives is to support the local dairy industry in the villages and to create the conditions that farmer can sell their milk daily. In a next step Pro Milk Mali helped the cooperatives to set-up their bylaws and to elect members for the different positions.
Support of Education
The UEMOA[1]Union économique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine selected Aguibou Sall, CEO and founder of DJOM KOSSAM together with 14 other entrepreneurs from West Africa for the training “talent du monde”. This training was held in France from September 9th to November 15th 2013. The participants had to pay the travel cost. The association Pro Milk Mali financed the trip for Aguibou Sall to France.

Current Projects
The association Pro Milk Mali currently supports DJOM KOSSAM in a joint-project with a local NGO. The objective of this project is to train farmers, who supply milk to DJOM KOSSAM in livestock breeding. Furthermore the farmers get supported to im-prove the infrastructure of their farms.
Future Projects
We currently plan more projects to train farmers in livestock breeding, to educate farmers in sustainable production of milk, and to train employees of DJOM KOSSAM.
Please contact us if you are interested in a particular project. We are looking forward to discussing with you more details.

↑1 | Union économique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine |