Our objective is to reduce sickness of farmers and therefore to reduce health related stop of work. We could realize a unique project that combines the health of farmers with the production of milk.
Completed Projects

Many people in rural Africa cannot afford professional medical assistance, so the tra-ditional medicine man is still the first point of contact for health problems. We had the idea that the connection of the health of farmers and the production of milk will im-prove the living standards of farmer as there will be less health related stop of work. We therefore initiated a pilot project with 14 farmers who supplied milk to DJOM KOSSAM in 2009. A professional doctor investigated the health conditions of these farmers and supplied medication whenever possible.
The pilot project was a success and we were very happy that we could realize the project in a larger scale in 2010 and 2011. Over 250 farmers and their family mem-bers were consulted through professional medical teams.
Current Projects
We were glad that we could offer medical treatment through a professional medical team for farmers and their families early 2014. This time the medical team checked over 300 patients. The medical team diagnosed that patients often show multiple health constraints at the same time. Over 70% of the examined people suffered on infectious diseases, malaria, or anemia. The patients were given relevant medications and treatments under the sponsorship of Pro Milk Mali.
Future Projects
We plan to repeat the project in 2015 and analyze how we could develop the project long-term. In addition we plan to initiate further projects related to health and nutrition. Please contact us if you are interested in a particular project. We are looking forward to discussing with you more details.